PBT Ball Transfer Table with Insert Rollers


PBT Ball Transfer Table with Insert RollersUsed on manufacturing lines utilizing multiple workbenches attached end to end Omtec Pop-Up Ball Transfers and Insert Rollers Have “No Pinch Points”

PBT Ball Transfer Table with Insert Rollers

Omtec Work Bench Tops With Insert Roller and Pop-Up Ball Transfer Tables 
Work bench tops for; inspection benches, assembly workstations, packing stations. Ideal for assembly lines, packing lines, work cells, shipping lines, packaging lines and production lines.

  1. Item enters from the left and moves along the series of Omtec Insert Rollers at the back of the work bench tops.
  2. Notice the ability to queue the item on the work bench tops between the workstations.
  3. The operator raises the Omtec Pop-Up Ball Transfers under the item and brings it forward on the work bench tops.
  4. At the same time conveniently orientating and positioning the item.
  5. The Omtec Pop-Up Ball Transfers are lowered to firmly locate the item while the required task is performed.
  6. The procedure is reversed to move the item to the next in-line workstation. Note: If a station is not required for a particular production run it may be left unattended

Omtec Insert Rollers and/or Pop-Up Ball Transfers are ideal where items need to be moved along a group of workbenches to various assembly areas.

PBT Ball Transfer Table with Insert Rollers

Infinate used ball transfer tables and Insert Roller patterns are available to fit any work bench top used in virtually any application!

Work bench tops may be virtually any size or shape, made of metal, wood, wood composite, plastic or plastic laminated. Omtec PBT Ball Transfer and/or Insert Roller Work Bench tables with rollers Tops are available… to convert existing work benches and conveyor lines into production assembly lines!

Omtec ergonomic transfers may be used to convert any electronic, industrial or shop work bench into an ergonomic work bench.